Do not miss the important price level without looking at the charts.

Notifications are delivered as PUSH notifications to an Android application. The voice module will report the name and current price of the instrument.

We do not send recommendations for trading. We deliver notifications about the current course, which you must set yourself. These are important levels at which you decide to make a deal.

Features of the Android application:

1. The stock price indexes in real time.
2. High accuracy in determining the moment of price breakdown even if it was a second breakdown and the price returned to the previous level.
3. Voice notifications - the name of the instrument, the current course and the comment that was added to the specified level.
4. Graphical analysis and adjustment of levels directly on the chart.
5. Save important notifications in the archive.
6. Repeat notification if it has not been read.
7. Calculations occur on a separate server. And even if the phone temporarily did not have an Internet connection, you will receive a notification when the connection with the server is restored.
8. Synchronization with various devices. Those. You can set up target levels on your computer, adjust it on your tablet, and receive notifications on your phone. (Authorization is required with a single login on all devices.)


MICEX (Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange): blue chips, stocks, bonds, MICEX currency.
Shares of world platforms: Banc of America, Vodafone, Rio Tinto, Google, Apple, Facebook.
Stock indices: RTS, MICEX, DAX, FTSE, DAX, S & P 500, Nasdaq, Nikkei 225, US Dollar Index.
FORTS Derivatives Market: futures on stocks, bonds, commodities: gold, silver, oil, copper, gas.